Board boat sailboat
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Sailboat comparison - macgregor 26 trailerable sailboats, Location. boating links. request information. captain mike' sailing tips. free video offer . comparison 26x 26m. march 2003, macgregor. Location. Boating Links. Request Information. Captain Mike's Sailing Tips. Free Video Offer . COMPARISON OF THE 26X AND THE NEW 26M. In March of 2003, MacGregor Sailboat listings - sailboats sale, Find sailboat dreams list current sailboat sale free free sailboat classified ads. sailboat listings include racers, cruisers, sloops. Find the Sailboat of your dreams or list your current sailboat for sale for free with free sailboat classified ads. Sailboat Listings include racers, cruisers, sloops Buccaneer 18 sailboat specifications, Length : 18' length waterline: 16' 8" beam: 6' draft (board ) 3' 10" sail area (main jib) 175 sq. ft. sail area (spinnaker) 178 sq. ft.. Length Over All: 18' Length of Waterline: 16' 8" Beam: 6' Draft (Board Down) 3' 10" Sail Area (Main and Jib) 175 sq. ft. Sail area (spinnaker) 178 sq. ft.
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